Geumsan-eup: 금산읍

Geumsan-eup (금산읍) is located in Geumsan-gun,Chungcheongnam-do. This page displays Geumsan-eup (금산읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Geumsan-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Chungcheongnam-do (충청남도)
City/County/District Geumsan-gun (금산군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Geumsan-eup (금산읍)

Geumsan-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Geumsan-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Bangadong 6-gil 방아동6길
Bangadong-gil 방아동길
Batgaunde 1-gil 밭가운데1길
Batgaunde 2-gil 밭가운데2길
Batgaunde-gil 밭가운데길
Baekgimi-gil 백김이길
Buksajik 1-gil 북사직1길
Buksajik 2-gil 북사직2길
Buksajik 3-gil 북사직3길
Buksajik 4-gil 북사직4길
Buksajik 5-gil 북사직5길
Buksajik 6-gil 북사직6길
Buksajik 7-gil 북사직7길
Buksajik-ro 북사직로
Bidan-ro 비단로
Bibeom 1-gil 비범1길
Bibeom 2-gil 비범2길
Bibeom 3-gil 비범3길
Bibeom-ro 비범로
Biseon 1-gil 비선1길
Biseon-gil 비선길
Biho-ro 비호로
Bihosan-ro 비호산로
Sajik-ro 사직로
Sajikjungang-ro 사직중앙로
Sampung-ro 삼풍로
Sangeodong 1-gil 상어동1길
Sangeodong-gil 상어동길
Sangyeongcheo-gil 상영처길
Sangok 1-gil 상옥1길
Sangok-ro 상옥로
Sangwajeong-gil 상와정길
Sangjimal 1-gil 상지말1길
Sangjimal 2-gil 상지말2길
Sangjimal-gil 상지말길
Sanghaok-ro 상하옥로
Saechangmul-gil 새창물길
Seongneomeo-gil 성너머길
Songnim-gil 송림길
Sinhakdong 1-gil 신학동1길
Sinhakdong 3-gil 신학동3길
Sinhakdong-gil 신학동길
Ain-gil 아인길
Yakcho 1-gil 약초1길
Yakcho-ro 약초로
Yangjijangdong-gil 양지장동길
Yanghwa-gil 양화길
Eodonggol-gil 어동골길
Eomnamu-gil 엄나무길
Yeosa-gil 여사길

Geumsan-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Geumsan-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Geumsan-eup, Geumsan-gun, Chungcheongnam-do Map
