Geumho-dong: 금호동

This page displays Geumho-dong (금호동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Geumho-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Geumho-dong (금호동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Gangwon-do (강원도) Sokcho-si (속초시) Geumho-dong (금호동)
Gwangju (광주광역시) Seo-gu (서구) Geumho-dong (금호동)
Jeollanam-do (전라남도) Gwangyang-si (광양시) Geumho-dong (금호동)
Daegu (대구광역시) Buk-gu (북구) Geumho-dong (금호동)

Geumho-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Geumho-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Uncheon-ro 31beon-gil 운천로31번길
Uncheon-ro 32beon-gil 운천로32번길
Uncheon-ro 56beon-gil 운천로56번길
Uncheon-ro 85beon-gil 운천로85번길
Uncheon-ro 91beon-gil 운천로91번길
Uncheon-ro 92beon-gil 운천로92번길
Punggeum-ro 풍금로
Punggeum-ro 100beon-gil 풍금로100번길
Punggeum-ro 151beon-gil 풍금로151번길
Punggeum-ro 171beon-gil 풍금로171번길
Punggeum-ro 177beon-gil 풍금로177번길
Pungseou-ro 풍서우로
Hwagae 1-ro 화개1로
Hwagae 1-ro 1beon-gil 화개1로1번길
Hwagae 1-ro 24beon-gil 화개1로24번길
Hwagae 1-ro 5beon-gil 화개1로5번길
Hwagae 1-ro 78beon-gil 화개1로78번길
Hwagae 1-ro 79beon-gil 화개1로79번길
Hwagae 2-ro 화개2로
Hwagae 2-ro 10beon-gil 화개2로10번길
Hwagae 2-ro 20beon-gil 화개2로20번길
Hwagae 2-ro 9beon-gil 화개2로9번길
Hwagaejungang-ro 화개중앙로
Hwagaejungang-ro 109beon-gil 화개중앙로109번길
Hwagaejungang-ro 114beon-gil 화개중앙로114번길
Hwagaejungang-ro 15beon-gil 화개중앙로15번길
Hwagaejungang-ro 16beon-gil 화개중앙로16번길
Hwagaejungang-ro 3beon-gil 화개중앙로3번길
Hwagaejungang-ro 49beon-gil 화개중앙로49번길
Hwagaejungang-ro 4beon-gil 화개중앙로4번길
Hwagaejungang-ro 86beon-gil 화개중앙로86번길
Hwagaejungang-ro 87beon-gil 화개중앙로87번길
Hoejae-ro 회재로
Munju-gil 문주길
Sasu-ro 사수로
Sasu-ro 70-gil 사수로70길
Sasu-ro 72-gil 사수로72길
Seojae-ro 서재로
Hangang-ro 한강로
Hangang-ro 7-gil 한강로7길
Hangang-ro 8-gil 한강로8길
Geumseomhaean-gil 금섬해안길
Geumho-ro 금호로
Dongbaek-gil 동백길
Maronie-gil 마로니에길
Baegun-ro 백운로
Jecheol-ro 제철로
Jecheolbaegun-gil 제철백운길
Chowon-gil 초원길
Pokposarang-gil 폭포사랑길

Geumho-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Geumho-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Geumho-dong, Sokcho-si, Gangwon-do Map
