Gayang-dong: 가양동

This page displays Gayang-dong (가양동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Gayang-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Gayang-dong (가양동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Daejeon (대전광역시) Dong-gu (동구) Gayang-dong (가양동)
Seoul (서울특별시) Gangseo-gu (강서구) Gayang-dong (가양동)

Gayang-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Gayang-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Dongseo-daero 1778beon-gil 동서대로1778번길
Dongjungang-ro 동중앙로
Dongjungang-ro 79beon-gil 동중앙로79번길
Maebong-ro 매봉로
Maebong-ro 10beon-gil 매봉로10번길
Maebong-ro 22beon-gil 매봉로22번길
Mihwa 7-gil 미화7길
Biraeseo-ro 비래서로
Biraeseo-ro 26beon-gil 비래서로26번길
Biraeseo-ro 42beon-gil 비래서로42번길
Biraeseo-ro 42beonan-gil 비래서로42번안길
Biraeseo-ro 62beon-gil 비래서로62번길
Biraeseo-ro 76beon-gil 비래서로76번길
Songchonnam-ro 송촌남로
Uam-ro 우암로
Uam-ro 195beon-gil 우암로195번길
Uam-ro 203beon-gil 우암로203번길
Uam-ro 246beon-gil 우암로246번길
Uam-ro 255beon-gil 우암로255번길
Uam-ro 260beon-gil 우암로260번길
Uam-ro 277beon-gil 우암로277번길
Uam-ro 291beon-gil 우암로291번길
Uam-ro 295beon-gil 우암로295번길
Uam-ro 296beon-gil 우암로296번길
Uam-ro 311beon-gil 우암로311번길
Uam-ro 312beon-gil 우암로312번길
Uam-ro 326beon-gil 우암로326번길
Uam-ro 381beon-gil 우암로381번길
Uam-ro 387beon-gil 우암로387번길
Jeongbo-gil 정보길
Cheonsu-gil 천수길
Chungjeong-ro 충정로
Chungjeong-ro 130beon-gil 충정로130번길
Chungjeong-ro 18beon-gil 충정로18번길
Chungjeong-ro 48beon-gil 충정로48번길
Chungjeong-ro 74beon-gil 충정로74번길
Chungjeong-ro 90beon-gil 충정로90번길
Hanbat-daero 한밭대로
Hamnae-ro 합내로
Hamnae-ro 21beon-gil 합내로21번길
Hamnae-ro 23beon-gil 합내로23번길
Heungnyong-ro 흥룡로
Heungnyong-ro 36beon-gil 흥룡로36번길
Heungnyong-ro 37beon-gil 흥룡로37번길
Heungnyong-ro 65beon-gil 흥룡로65번길
Heungnyong-ro 71beon-gil 흥룡로71번길
Heungnyong-ro 75beon-gil 흥룡로75번길
Gangseo-ro 강서로
Gangseo-ro 56ga-gil 강서로56가길
Gangseo-ro 68-gil 강서로68길

Gayang-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Gayang-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Gayang-dong, Dong-gu, Daejeon Map
