Eumseong-eup: 음성읍

Eumseong-eup (음성읍) is located in Eumseong-gun,Chungcheongbuk-do. This page displays Eumseong-eup (음성읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Eumseong-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Chungcheongbuk-do (충청북도)
City/County/District Eumseong-gun (음성군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Eumseong-eup (음성읍)

Eumseong-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Eumseong-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Yonggwang-ro 417beon-gil 용광로417번길
Yonggwang-ro 48beon-gil 용광로48번길
Yonggwang-ro 530beon-gil 용광로530번길
Yonggwang-ro 559beon-gil 용광로559번길
Yonggwang-ro 67beon-gil 용광로67번길
Yonggwang-ro 7beon-gil 용광로7번길
Wolchang-ro 월창로
Eumseong-ro 음성로
Eumseong-ro 177beon-gil 음성로177번길
Eumseong-ro 193beon-gil 음성로193번길
Eumseong-ro 367beon-gil 음성로367번길
Eumseong-ro 368beon-gil 음성로368번길
Eumseong-ro 432beon-gil 음성로432번길
Eumseong-ro 557beon-gil 음성로557번길
Eumseong-ro 618beon-gil 음성로618번길
Eumseong-ro 645beon-gil 음성로645번길
Eumseong-ro 826beon-gil 음성로826번길
Eumseongcheondong-gil 음성천동길
Eumseongcheondong-gil 180beon-gil 음성천동길180번길
Eumseongcheondong-gil 66beon-gil 음성천동길66번길
Eumseongcheonseo-gil 음성천서길
Eumseongcheonseo-gil 199beon-gil 음성천서길199번길
Jungni-gil 중리길
Jungni-gil 43beon-gil 중리길43번길
Jungang-ro 중앙로
Jungang-ro 124beon-gil 중앙로124번길
Jungang-ro 132beon-gil 중앙로132번길
Jungang-ro 137beon-gil 중앙로137번길
Jungang-ro 151beon-gil 중앙로151번길
Jungang-ro 159beon-gil 중앙로159번길
Jungang-ro 177beon-gil 중앙로177번길
Jungang-ro 182beon-gil 중앙로182번길
Jungang-ro 183beon-gil 중앙로183번길
Jungang-ro 311beon-gil 중앙로311번길
Jungang-ro 40beon-gil 중앙로40번길
Jungang-ro 48beon-gil 중앙로48번길
Jungang-ro 50beon-gil 중앙로50번길
Cheyukgongwon-gil 체육공원길
Chocheon-ro 초천로
Chocheon-ro 16beon-gil 초천로16번길
Chocheon-ro 174beon-gil 초천로174번길
Chocheon-ro 321beon-gil 초천로321번길
Chocheon-ro 6beon-gil 초천로6번길
Chungcheong-daero 충청대로
Chungcheong-daero 1226beon-gil 충청대로1226번길
Chungcheong-daero 1699beon-gil 충청대로1699번길
Teotgol-gil 텃골길
Teotgol-gil 16beon-gil 텃골길16번길
Teotgol-gil 23beon-gil 텃골길23번길
Togyeul-gil 토계울길

Eumseong-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Eumseong-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Eumseong-eup, Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do Map
