Cheongcheon-myeon: 청천면

Cheongcheon-myeon (청천면) is located in Goesan-gun,Chungcheongbuk-do. This page displays Cheongcheon-myeon (청천면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Cheongcheon-myeon Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Chungcheongbuk-do (충청북도)
City/County/District Goesan-gun (괴산군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Cheongcheon-myeon (청천면)

Cheongcheon-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Cheongcheon-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Gwiman 1-gil 귀만1길
Gwiman 2-gil 귀만2길
Gwiman-gil 귀만길
Geumgwan-ro 금관로
Geumgwan-ro bukgye-gil 금관로북계길
Geumpyeong-ro 금평로
Geumpyeong-ro 1-gil 금평로1길
Geumpyeong-ro 2-gil 금평로2길
Geumpyeong-ro 3-gil 금평로3길
Geumpyeong-ro 4-gil 금평로4길
Geumpyeong-ro 5-gil 금평로5길
Geumpyeong-ro mureung-gil 금평로무릉길
Geumpyeong-ro wolmun-gil 금평로월문길
Geumpyeongsamgeori-gil 금평삼거리길
Geumpyeongjindeung 1-gil 금평진등1길
Geumpyeongjindeung 2-gil 금평진등2길
Dabo-gil 다보길
Daeya-ro 대야로
Daejeon 1-gil 대전1길
Daejeon 2-gil 대전2길
Daejeon-gil 대전길
Daeti 1-gil 대티1길
Daeti 2-gil 대티2길
Daeti-gil 대티길
Dogyeong-ro 도경로
Dogyeong-ro yeosawang 1-gil 도경로여사왕1길
Dogyeong-ro yeosawang 2-gil 도경로여사왕2길
Dogyeong-ro yeosaengi-gil 도경로여생이길
Dogyeong-ro jwasol-gil 도경로좌솔길
Dogyeong-ro jigyeong 1-gil 도경로지경1길
Dogyeong-ro jigyeong 2-gil 도경로지경2길
Dogyeong-ro jichon 1-gil 도경로지촌1길
Dogyeong-ro jichon 2-gil 도경로지촌2길
Dogyeong-ro hyeoncheon 1-gil 도경로현천1길
Dogyeong-ro hyeoncheon 2-gil 도경로현천2길
Dogyeong-ro hyeoncheon 3-gil 도경로현천3길
Dogyeong-ro hyeoncheon 4-gil 도경로현천4길
Dogyeong-ro huyeong 2-gil 도경로후영2길
Dogyeong-ro huyeong 3-gil 도경로후영3길
Dogyeong-ro huyeong 4-gil 도경로후영4길
Dogyeong-ro huyeong 5-gil 도경로후영5길
Dogyeong-ro huyeong 6-gil 도경로후영6길
Dogyeongnohuyeong-gil 도경로후영길
Dowon 1-gil 도원1길
Dowon 2-gil 도원2길
Dowon 3-gil 도원3길
Dowon 4-gil 도원4길
Dowon 5-gil 도원5길
Dowon 6-gil 도원6길
Dowon 7-gil 도원7길

Cheongcheon-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Cheongcheon-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Cheongcheon-myeon, Goesan-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do Map
