Buyeo-eup: 부여읍

Buyeo-eup (부여읍) is located in Buyeo-gun,Chungcheongnam-do. This page displays Buyeo-eup (부여읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Buyeo-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Chungcheongnam-do (충청남도)
City/County/District Buyeo-gun (부여군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Buyeo-eup (부여읍)

Buyeo-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Buyeo-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Dongmun-ro 395beon-gil 동문로395번길
Dongmun-ro 419beon-gil 동문로419번길
Dongmun-ro 78beon-gil 동문로78번길
Dongmun-ro 80beon-gil 동문로80번길
Dwitgae-ro 뒷개로
Dwitgae-ro 27beon-gil 뒷개로27번길
Banwol-ro 반월로
Baekgang-ro 백강로
Baengmagang-gil 백마강길
Baekjemunhwa-ro 백제문화로
Baekjemunhwa-ro 116beon-gil 백제문화로116번길
Baekjemunhwa-ro 124beon-gil 백제문화로124번길
Baekjemunhwa-ro 161beon-gil 백제문화로161번길
Baekjemunhwa-ro 41beon-gil 백제문화로41번길
Baekjemunhwa-ro 429beon-gil 백제문화로429번길
Beodeul-ro 버들로
Beodeul-ro 124beon-gil 버들로124번길
Buso-ro 부소로
Buso-ro 55beon-gil 부소로55번길
Buso-ro 77beon-gil 부소로77번길
Buso-ro 85beon-gil 부소로85번길
Buso-ro 95beon-gil 부소로95번길
Buyeo-ro 부여로
Bujangdae-ro 부장대로
Bukpo-ro 북포로
Sabi-ro 사비로
Sabi-ro 100beon-gil 사비로100번길
Sabi-ro 108beon-gil 사비로108번길
Sabi-ro 12beon-gil 사비로12번길
Sabi-ro 15beon-gil 사비로15번길
Sabi-ro 19beon-gil 사비로19번길
Sabi-ro 20beon-gil 사비로20번길
Sabi-ro 25beon-gil 사비로25번길
Sabi-ro 30beon-gil 사비로30번길
Sabi-ro 49beon-gil 사비로49번길
Sabi-ro 54beon-gil 사비로54번길
Sabi-ro 71beon-gil 사비로71번길
Sabi-ro 72beon-gil 사비로72번길
Sabi-ro 79beon-gil 사비로79번길
Sabi-ro 99beon-gil 사비로99번길
Samchung-ro 삼충로
Samchung-ro 120beon-gil 삼충로120번길
Samchung-ro 12beon-gil 삼충로12번길
Samchung-ro 216beon-gil 삼충로216번길
Samchung-ro 241beon-gil 삼충로241번길
Samchung-ro 272beon-gil 삼충로272번길
Samchung-ro 334beon-gil 삼충로334번길
Samchung-ro 338beon-gil 삼충로338번길
Samchung-ro 344beon-gil 삼충로344번길
Samchung-ro 376beon-gil 삼충로376번길

Buyeo-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Buyeo-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Buyeo-eup, Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do Map
