Bugok-dong: 부곡동

This page displays Bugok-dong (부곡동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Bugok-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Bugok-dong (부곡동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Bugok-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Bugok-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Ongju 2-gil 옹주2길
Ongju-gil 옹주길
Wonhunae-gil 원후내길
Jeongjae-ro 정재로
Jeongjae-ro 10-gil 정재로10길
Jeongjae-ro 10an-gil 정재로10안길
Jeongjae-ro 11-gil 정재로11길
Jeongjae-ro 1-gil 정재로1길
Jeongjae-ro 2-gil 정재로2길
Jeongjae-ro 3-gil 정재로3길
Jeongjae-ro 4-gil 정재로4길
Jeongjae-ro 5-gil 정재로5길
Jeongjae-ro 6-gil 정재로6길
Jeongjae-ro 7-gil 정재로7길
Jeongjae-ro 8-gil 정재로8길
Jeongjae-ro 9-gil 정재로9길
Jeongjae-ro 9an-gil 정재로9안길
Jeongjaechogyo-gil 정재초교길
Cheonggok-gil 청곡길
Chungjang-ro 충장로
Taemadang-ro 태마당로
Taemadang-ro 1-gil 태마당로1길
Neungdong-ro 능동로
Neungdong-ro 149beon-gil 능동로149번길
Neungdong-ro 155beon-gil 능동로155번길
Neungdong-ro 167beon-gil 능동로167번길
Daecheong-ro 대청로
Bugok-ro 부곡로
Seobu-ro 서부로
Seobu-ro 1059beon-gil 서부로1059번길
Wolsan-ro 월산로
Yuha-ro 133beon-gil 유하로133번길
Jangyu-ro 장유로
Jangyu-ro 115beon-gil 장유로115번길
Jangyu-ro 116beon-gil 장유로116번길
Jangyu-ro 149beon-gil 장유로149번길
Jangyu-ro 222beon-gil 장유로222번길
Jangyu-ro 55beon-gil 장유로55번길
Jangyu-ro 55beonan-gil 장유로55번안길
Jangyu-ro 89beon-gil 장유로89번길
Bonggongnam-ro 봉곡남로
Bugok 1-gil 부곡1길
Bugok-gil 부곡길
Bubong-ro 부봉로
Songseon-ro 송선로
Yaeun-ro 야은로
Yaeun-ro 5-gil 야은로5길
Yaeun-ro 7-gil 야은로7길
Gamesil 1-gil 가메실1길
Gamesil 2-gil 가메실2길

Bugok-dong, Geumjeong-gu, Busan Map
