Bongpyeong-myeon: 봉평면

Bongpyeong-myeon (봉평면) is located in Pyeongchang-gun,Gangwon-do. This page displays Bongpyeong-myeon (봉평면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Bongpyeong-myeon Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Gangwon-do (강원도)
City/County/District Pyeongchang-gun (평창군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Bongpyeong-myeon (봉평면)

Bongpyeong-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Bongpyeong-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Geopumso-gil 거품소길
Gyeonggang-ro 경강로
Geumdanggyegok-ro 금당계곡로
Geumsandong-gil 금산동길
Giundong-gil 기운동길
Gipung 1-gil 기풍1길
Gipung 2-gil 기풍2길
Gipung 3-gil 기풍3길
Gipung 4-gil 기풍4길
Gipung 5-gil 기풍5길
Gipung 7-gil 기풍7길
Gipung 8-gil 기풍8길
Gipung-ro 기풍로
Gireumdong-gil 길음동길
Kkumdongsan-gil 꿈동산길
Deokgeo 1-gil 덕거1길
Deokgeo-gil 덕거길
Dongijangteo-gil 동이장터길
Duribong-gil 두리봉길
Meongol-gil 먼골길
Memilkkot-gil 메밀꽃길
Muijindeung-gil 무이진등길
Munhaksup-gil 문학숲길
Bangchukdong 1-gil 방축동1길
Bangchukdong-gil 방축동길
Baegundong 1-gil 백운동1길
Baegundong-gil 백운동길
Beodeulgae 1-gil 버들개1길
Beodeulgae-gil 버들개길
Boraeryeong-ro 보래령로
Bongsanseojae-gil 봉산서재길
Bongpyeongbuk-ro 봉평북로
Budeuraetgol-gil 부드랫골길
Bukgildong-gil 북길동길
Saripyeong-gil 사리평길
Sangpohang-gil 상포항길
Seogibau-gil 석이바우길
Seoldamok-gil 설다목길
Seonghwanggol-gil 성황골길
Surimdae-gil 수림대길
Anheungdong 1-gil 안흥동1길
Anheungdong 2-gil 안흥동2길
Anheungdong-gil 안흥동길
Aegangnamu-gil 애강나무길
Eunhaengmaeul-gil 은행마을길
Ihyoseok-gil 이효석길
Jageunnaman-gil 작은남안길
Jangchon-gil 장촌길
Jeonnamugol-gil 전나무골길
Jikdong-gil 직동길

Bongpyeong-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Bongpyeong-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Bongpyeong-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do Map
