Beomseo-eup: 범서읍

Beomseo-eup (범서읍) is located in Ulju-gun,Ulsan. This page displays Beomseo-eup (범서읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Beomseo-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Ulsan (울산광역시)
City/County/District Ulju-gun (울주군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Beomseo-eup (범서읍)

Beomseo-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Beomseo-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Saebatdeung-gil 새밭등길
Saeteo-gil 새터길
Seonammandaengi-gil 서남만댕이길
Seosa-ro 서사로
Songhyeon-gil 송현길
Yangjimal-gil 양지말길
Yeondong 1-gil 연동1길
Yeondong-gil 연동길
Wanggeol-gil 왕걸길
Oesa 1-gil 외사1길
Oesa 2-gil 외사2길
Oesa 3-gil 외사3길
Oesa 4-gil 외사4길
Yongwangso-gil 용왕소길
Urigol 1-gil 우리골1길
Urigol-gil 우리골길
Ulmil-ro 울밀로
Woncheonsang-gil 원천상길
UNIST-gil 유니스트길
Euneul-gil 은을길
Ibam 1-gil 입암1길
Ibam 2-gil 입암2길
Ibam-gil 입암길
Janggeom 1-gil 장검1길
Janggeom-gil 장검길
Jeomchon 1-gil 점촌1길
Jeomchon 2-gil 점촌2길
Jeomchon 3-gil 점촌3길
Jeomchon 4-gil 점촌4길
Jeomchon 5-gil 점촌5길
Jeomchon 6-gil 점촌6길
Jeomchonan-gil 점촌안길
Jeongjibul-gil 정지불길
Jungni 1-gil 중리1길
Jungni 2-gil 중리2길
Jungmaeul-gil 중마을길
Jungchon-gil 중촌길
Jiji 1-gil 지지1길
Jiji-gil 지지길
Jinmogaraet-gil 진목아랫길
Jinmogwit-gil 진목윗길
Cheokgwa-ro 척과로
Cheokgwasaegakdan-gil 척과새각단길
Cheonsang 1-gil 천상1길
Cheonsang 2-gil 천상2길
Cheonsang 3-gil 천상3길
Cheonsang 4-gil 천상4길
Cheonsang 5-gil 천상5길
Cheonsang 6-gil 천상6길
Cheonsang 7-gil 천상7길

Beomseo-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Beomseo-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Beomseo-eup, Ulju-gun, Ulsan Map
