Yuseong-gu: 유성구

This page is about Yuseong-gu, South Korea. The page lists the sub-administrative divisions of Yuseong-gu, as well as the postcode. You can also view more information through the interactive map.

Yuseong-gu Basic Information

Yuseong-gu Region List

What are the subdivisions in Yuseong-gu? Here is the list of subdivision of Yuseong-gu. You can click the link to get more information.

Town/Village/Neighborhood En Town/Village/Neighborhood Ko
Ansan-dong 안산동
Bang-dong 방동
Banghyeon-dong 방현동
Banseok-dong 반석동
Bogyong-dong 복용동
Bongmyeong-dong 봉명동
Bongsan-dong 봉산동
Chumok-dong 추목동
Dae-dong 대동
Daejeong-dong 대정동
Deokjin-dong 덕진동
Deongmyeong-dong 덕명동
Doryong-dong 도룡동
Dungok-dong 둔곡동
Eoeun-dong 어은동
Gajeong-dong 가정동
Gap-dong 갑동
Geumgo-dong 금고동
Geumtan-dong 금탄동
Guam-dong 구암동
Gung-dong 궁동
Guryong-dong 구룡동
Guseong-dong 구성동
Gwanpyeong-dong 관평동
Gyesan-dong 계산동
Gyochon-dong 교촌동
Hagi-dong 하기동
Hakha-dong 학하동
Hwaam-dong 화암동
Jang-dong 장동
Jangdae-dong 장대동
Jaun-dong 자운동
Jeonmin-dong 전민동
Jijok-dong 지족동
Juk-dong 죽동
Munji-dong 문지동
Noeun-dong 노은동
Oesam-dong 외삼동
Sangdae-dong 상대동
Se-dong 세동
Seongbuk-dong 성북동
Sin-dong 신동
Sinbong-dong 신봉동
Sinseong-dong 신성동
Songgang-dong 송강동
Songjeong-dong 송정동
Sunam-dong 수남동
Tamnip-dong 탑립동
Wonchon-dong 원촌동
Wonnae-dong 원내동
Wonsinheung-dong 원신흥동
Yonggye-dong 용계동
Yongsan-dong 용산동

Yuseong-gu Road List

Here list all the road name in Yuseong-gu. You can check the list page by page, or use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Gyebaek-ro 372beon-gil 계백로372번길
Sejeom-gil 세점길
Yuseong-daero 유성대로
Yuseong-daero 1422beon-gil 유성대로1422번길
Yuseong-daero 1366beon-gil 유성대로1366번길
Banseokdong-ro 40beon-gil 반석동로40번길
Banseok-ro 12beonan-gil 반석로12번안길
Bugyuseong-daero 316beon-gil 북유성대로316번길
Banseok-ro 142beon-gil 반석로142번길
Banseok-ro 12beon-gil 반석로12번길

Yuseong-gu Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the postal code in Yuseong-gu. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Yuseong-gu Map
