Sangju-si: 상주시

This page is about Sangju-si, South Korea. The page lists the sub-administrative divisions of Sangju-si, as well as the postcode. You can also view more information through the interactive map.

Sangju-si Basic Information

Sangju-si Region List

What are the subdivisions in Sangju-si? Here is the list of subdivision of Sangju-si. You can click the link to get more information.

Town/Village/Neighborhood En Town/Village/Neighborhood Ko
Gajang-dong 가장동
Gaeun-dong 개운동
Geodong-dong 거동동
Gyesan-dong 계산동
Gonggeom-myeon 공검면
Gongseong-myeon 공성면
Nakdong-myeon 낙동면
Naksang-dong 낙상동
Nagyang-dong 낙양동
Namseong-dong 남성동
Namjang-dong 남장동
Namjeok-dong 남적동
Naeseo-myeon 내서면
Naengnim-dong 냉림동
Donam-dong 도남동
Mansan-dong 만산동
Modong-myeon 모동면
Moseo-myeon 모서면
Muyang-dong 무양동
Byeongseong-dong 병성동
Bongnyong-dong 복룡동
Buwon-dong 부원동
Sabeolgung-myeon 사벌국면
Seogok-dong 서곡동
Seomun-dong 서문동
Seoseong-dong 서성동
Seongdong-dong 성동동
Seongha-dong 성하동
Sinbong-dong 신봉동
Yangchon-dong 양촌동
Yeonwon-dong 연원동
Odae-dong 오대동
Oenam-myeon 외남면
Oedap-dong 외답동
Oeseo-myeon 외서면
Euncheok-myeon 은척면
Ian-myeon 이안면
Inbong-dong 인봉동
Inpyeong-dong 인평동
Jukjeon-dong 죽전동
Jungdeok-dong 중덕동
Jungdong-myeon 중동면
Jicheon-dong 지천동
Cheongni-myeon 청리면
Chosan-dong 초산동
Hamchang-eup 함창읍
Heonsin-dong 헌신동
Hwagae-dong 화개동
Hwanam-myeon 화남면
Hwadong-myeon 화동면
Hwabuk-myeon 화북면
Hwasan-dong 화산동
Hwaseo-myeon 화서면
Heunggak-dong 흥각동

Sangju-si Road List

Here list all the road name in Sangju-si. You can check the list page by page, or use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Geodong 4-gil 거동4길
Odae 3-gil 오대3길
Gyesan 5-gil 계산5길
Gyesan 8-gil 계산8길
Gyesan 7-gil 계산7길
Ariranggogae 1-gil 아리랑고개1길
Gyesan 1-gil 계산1길
Ariranggogae 2-gil 아리랑고개2길
Ariranggogae 3-gil 아리랑고개3길
Gyesan 3-gil 계산3길

Sangju-si Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the postal code in Sangju-si. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Sangju-si Map
