Gwanak-gu: 관악구

This page is about Gwanak-gu, South Korea. The page lists the sub-administrative divisions of Gwanak-gu, as well as the postcode. You can also view more information through the interactive map.

Gwanak-gu Basic Information

Gwanak-gu Region List

What are the subdivisions in Gwanak-gu? Here is the list of subdivision of Gwanak-gu. You can click the link to get more information.

Town/Village/Neighborhood En Town/Village/Neighborhood Ko
Bongcheon-dong 봉천동
Namhyeon-dong 남현동
Sillim-dong 신림동

Gwanak-gu Road List

Here list all the road name in Gwanak-gu. You can check the list page by page, or use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Bongcheon-ro 58-gil 봉천로58길
Nakseongdae-ro 낙성대로
Inheon 3na-gil 인헌3나길
Nakseongdaeyeok 14-gil 낙성대역14길
Inheon 14-gil 인헌14길
Nakseongdaeyeok 6-gil 낙성대역6길
Nambusunhwan-ro 244ga-gil 남부순환로244가길
Nambusunhwan-ro 210-gil 남부순환로210길
Cheongnim 2-gil 청림2길
Nambusunhwan-ro 226-gil 남부순환로226길

Gwanak-gu Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the postal code in Gwanak-gu. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Gwanak-gu Map
