Gimhae-si: 김해시

This page is about Gimhae-si, South Korea. The page lists the sub-administrative divisions of Gimhae-si, as well as the postcode. You can also view more information through the interactive map.

Gimhae-si Basic Information

Gimhae-si Region List

What are the subdivisions in Gimhae-si? Here is the list of subdivision of Gimhae-si. You can click the link to get more information.

Town/Village/Neighborhood En Town/Village/Neighborhood Ko
Gang-dong 강동
Gwandong-dong 관동동
Gusan-dong 구산동
Naedeok-dong 내덕동
Nae-dong 내동
Daedong-myeon 대동면
Daeseong-dong 대성동
Daecheong-dong 대청동
Dongsang-dong 동상동
Myeongbeop-dong 명법동
Mugye-dong 무계동
Bonghwang-dong 봉황동
Bugok-dong 부곡동
Buwon-dong 부원동
Buram-dong 불암동
Samgye-dong 삼계동
Sammun-dong 삼문동
Sambang-dong 삼방동
Samjeong-dong 삼정동
Sangdong-myeon 상동면
Saengnim-myeon 생림면
Seosang-dong 서상동
Suga-dong 수가동
Sinmun-dong 신문동
An-dong 안동
Eobang-dong 어방동
Oe-dong 외동
Yuha-dong 유하동
Yulha-dong 율하동
Eungdal-dong 응달동
I-dong 이동
Jang-yu-dong 장유동
Jeonha-dong 전하동
Juchon-myeon 주촌면
Jinae-dong 지내동
Jillye-myeon 진례면
Jinyeong-eup 진영읍
Pungyu-dong 풍유동
Hallim-myeon 한림면
Hwamok-dong 화목동
Heung-dong 흥동

Gimhae-si Road List

Here list all the road name in Gimhae-si. You can check the list page by page, or use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Gwandong-ro 24beon-gil 관동로24번길
Yulha 2-ro 3beon-gil 율하2로3번길
Deokjeong-ro 201beon-gil 덕정로201번길
Gwandong-ro 45beon-gil 관동로45번길
Gyedong-ro 계동로
Deokjeong-ro 77beon-gil 덕정로77번길
Garak-ro 294beon-gil 가락로294번길
Gusan-ro 5beon-gil 구산로5번길
Garak-ro 가락로
Guji-ro 구지로

Gimhae-si Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the postal code in Gimhae-si. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Gimhae-si Map
