Geumjeong-gu: 금정구

This page is about Geumjeong-gu, South Korea. The page lists the sub-administrative divisions of Geumjeong-gu, as well as the postcode. You can also view more information through the interactive map.

Geumjeong-gu Basic Information

Geumjeong-gu Region List

What are the subdivisions in Geumjeong-gu? Here is the list of subdivision of Geumjeong-gu. You can click the link to get more information.

Town/Village/Neighborhood En Town/Village/Neighborhood Ko
Guseo-dong 구서동
Geumsa-dong 금사동
Geumseong-dong 금성동
Namsan-dong 남산동
Nopo-dong 노포동
Dugu-dong 두구동
Bugok-dong 부곡동
Seo-dong 서동
Seon-dong 선동
Oryun-dong 오륜동
Jangjeon-dong 장전동
Cheongnyong-dong 청룡동
Hoedong-dong 회동동

Geumjeong-gu Road List

Here list all the road name in Geumjeong-gu. You can check the list page by page, or use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Geumgang-ro 565beon-gil 금강로565번길
Geumjeong-ro 237beon-gil 금정로237번길
Geumgang-ro 446beon-gil 금강로446번길
Geumjeong-ro 231beon-gil 금정로231번길
Jungang-daero 1929beon-gil 중앙대로1929번길
Guseooncheoncheon-ro 구서온천천로
Cheyukgongwon-ro 44beon-gil 체육공원로44번길
Geumjeong-ro 233beon-gil 금정로233번길
Guseojungang-ro 15beon-gil 구서중앙로15번길
Cheyukgongwon-ro 101beon-gil 체육공원로101번길

Geumjeong-gu Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the postal code in Geumjeong-gu. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Geumjeong-gu Map
