Road Name: Chilgokjungang-daero 136-gil (칠곡중앙대로136길 )

Chilgokjungang-daero 136-gil (칠곡중앙대로136길) is a road in South Korea. This page shows the information on the road Chilgokjungang-daero 136-gil (칠곡중앙대로136길), you can see 1 or more records with the administrative divisions below.

Chilgokjungang-daero 136-gil Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Chilgokjungang-daero 136-gil (칠곡중앙대로136길), which could extend across different districts or exist as a road name in various districts. Below, you will find all the information on Chilgokjungang-daero 136-gil (칠곡중앙대로136길).

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood Road Name
Daegu (대구광역시) Buk-gu (북구) Dongho-dong (동호동) Chilgokjungang-daero 136-gil (칠곡중앙대로136길)
Daegu (대구광역시) Buk-gu (북구) Hakjeong-dong (학정동) Chilgokjungang-daero 136-gil (칠곡중앙대로136길)

Chilgokjungang-daero 136-gil Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Chilgokjungang-daero 136-gil. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Chilgokjungang-daero 136-gil Address List

Here we list all the addresses on Chilgokjungang-daero 136-gil (칠곡중앙대로136길). You can view all the addresses below, or enter the building number to get the address information quickly.

    • Road Address:


      107, Chilgokjungang-daero 136-gil, Buk-gu, Daegu, 41404, REP. OF KOREA link Link to Address Page copy Copy


      대구광역시 북구 칠곡중앙대로136길 107(학정동) copy Copy

    • Land-Lot Address:


      373-8, Hakjeong-dong, Buk-gu, Daegu, 41404, REP. OF KOREA copy Copy


      대구광역시 북구 학정동 373-8 copy Copy


Chilgokjungang-daero 136-gil, Buk-gu, Dongho-dong, Daegu Map
