Yonghyeon-dong: 용현동

This page displays Yonghyeon-dong (용현동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Yonghyeon-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Yonghyeon-dong (용현동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Gyeonggi-do (경기도) Uijeongbu-si (의정부시) Yonghyeon-dong (용현동)
Incheon (인천광역시) Michuhol-gu (미추홀구) Yonghyeon-dong (용현동)

Yonghyeon-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Yonghyeon-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Gyeonginbuk-gil 331beon-gil 경인북길331번길
Nakseomdong-ro 낙섬동로
Nakseomdong-ro 109beon-gil 낙섬동로109번길
Nakseomdong-ro 76beon-gil 낙섬동로76번길
Nakseomdong-ro 86beon-gil 낙섬동로86번길
Nakseomseo-ro 낙섬서로
Nakseomseo-ro 10beon-gil 낙섬서로10번길
Nakseomseo-ro 18beon-gil 낙섬서로18번길
Nakseomseo-ro 20beon-gil 낙섬서로20번길
Nakseomseo-ro 42beon-gil 낙섬서로42번길
Nakseomseo-ro 49beon-gil 낙섬서로49번길
Nakseomseo-ro 50beon-gil 낙섬서로50번길
Nakseomjung-ro 낙섬중로
Nakseomjung-ro 105beon-gil 낙섬중로105번길
Nakseomjung-ro 113beon-gil 낙섬중로113번길
Nakseomjung-ro 32beon-gil 낙섬중로32번길
Nakseomjung-ro 35beon-gil 낙섬중로35번길
Nakseomjung-ro 38beon-gil 낙섬중로38번길
Nakseomjung-ro 46beon-gil 낙섬중로46번길
Nakseomjung-ro 59beon-gil 낙섬중로59번길
Nakseomjung-ro 67beon-gil 낙섬중로67번길
Nakseomjung-ro 77beon-gil 낙섬중로77번길
Nakseomjung-ro 91beon-gil 낙섬중로91번길
Nakseomjung-ro 94beon-gil 낙섬중로94번길
Neunghae-gil 능해길
Neunghae-gil 46beon-gil 능해길46번길
Neunghae-gil 60beon-gil 능해길60번길
Neunghae-gil 66beon-gil 능해길66번길
Neunghae-gil 77beon-gil 능해길77번길
Dokbae-ro 독배로
Dokbae-ro 317beon-gil 독배로317번길
Dokbae-ro 376beon-gil 독배로376번길
Dokbae-ro 382beon-gil 독배로382번길
Dokbae-ro 386beon-gil 독배로386번길
Dokbae-ro 402beon-gil 독배로402번길
Dokbae-ro 403beon-gil 독배로403번길
Dokbae-ro 404beon-gil 독배로404번길
Dokbae-ro 421beon-gil 독배로421번길
Dokbae-ro 432beon-gil 독배로432번길
Dokjeongan-gil 독정안길
Dokjeongan-gil 97beon-gil 독정안길97번길
Dokjeongi-ro 독정이로
Dokjeongi-ro 16beon-gil 독정이로16번길
Dokjeongi-ro 17beon-gil 독정이로17번길
Dokjeongi-ro 30beon-gil 독정이로30번길
Dokjeongi-ro 33beon-gil 독정이로33번길
Dokjeongi-ro 9beon-gil 독정이로9번길
Maesohol-ro 매소홀로
Maesohol-ro 53beon-gil 매소홀로53번길
Biryong-gil 비룡길

Yonghyeon-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Yonghyeon-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Yonghyeon-dong, Uijeongbu-si, Gyeonggi-do Map
