Yesan-eup: 예산읍

Yesan-eup (예산읍) is located in Yesan-gun,Chungcheongnam-do. This page displays Yesan-eup (예산읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Yesan-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Chungcheongnam-do (충청남도)
City/County/District Yesan-gun (예산군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Yesan-eup (예산읍)

Yesan-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Yesan-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Yesan-ro 164beonan-gil 예산로164번안길
Yesan-ro 176beon-gil 예산로176번길
Yesan-ro 194beon-gil 예산로194번길
Yesan-ro 202beon-gil 예산로202번길
Yesan-ro 212beon-gil 예산로212번길
Yesan-ro 233beon-gil 예산로233번길
Yesan-ro 252beon-gil 예산로252번길
Yesan-ro 263beon-gil 예산로263번길
Yesan-ro 37beon-gil 예산로37번길
Yesansaneopdanji-ro 예산산업단지로
Yesansaneopdanjian-gil 예산산업단지안길
Yejung-gil 예중길
Yejung-gil 25beon-gil 예중길25번길
Yejung-gil 33beon-gil 예중길33번길
Yonggol-gil 용골길
Yonggol-gil 12beon-gil 용골길12번길
Yonggol-gil 34beon-gil 용골길34번길
Wonpyeongdong-gil 원평동길
Yunbonggil-ro 윤봉길로
Imseong-ro 임성로
Imseong-ro 15beon-gil 임성로15번길
Imseong-ro 1beon-gil 임성로1번길
Imseong-ro 23beon-gil 임성로23번길
Imseong-ro 31beon-gil 임성로31번길
Imseong-ro 34beon-gil 임성로34번길
Imseong-ro 40beon-gil 임성로40번길
Imseong-ro 7beon-gil 임성로7번길
Jangmoraengi-gil 장모랭이길
Jugyo-ro 주교로
Jugyo-ro 14beon-gil 주교로14번길
Jugyo-ro 26beon-gil 주교로26번길
Jugyo-ro 33beon-gil 주교로33번길
Juan-gil 주안길
Juan-gil 16beon-gil 주안길16번길
Chadong-ro 차동로
Changmal-ro 창말로
Changmal-ro 38beon-gil 창말로38번길
Changmal-ro 42beon-gil 창말로42번길
Changmal-ro 48beon-gil 창말로48번길
Changmal-ro 60beon-gil 창말로60번길
Changmal-ro 70beon-gil 창말로70번길
Changsoneommal-gil 창소넘말길
Changsoseodumul-gil 창소서두물길
Changsin-ro 창신로
Changsin-ro 19beon-gil 창신로19번길
Cheonbyeonnam-gil 천변남길
Cheonbyeon-ro 천변로
Cheonbyeon-ro 129beon-gil 천변로129번길
Cheonbyeon-ro 145beon-gil 천변로145번길
Cheonbyeon-ro 147beon-gil 천변로147번길

Yesan-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Yesan-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Yesan-eup, Yesan-gun, Chungcheongnam-do Map
