Seungju-eup: 승주읍

Seungju-eup (승주읍) is located in Suncheon-si,Jeollanam-do. This page displays Seungju-eup (승주읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Seungju-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Jeollanam-do (전라남도)
City/County/District Suncheon-si (순천시)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Seungju-eup (승주읍)

Seungju-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Seungju-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Seungjujang-gil 승주장길
Seungjuhakgu-gil 승주학구길
Seungpyeong-gil 승평길
Seungpyeongdong-gil 승평동길
Sindu-gil 신두길
Sinseonhak-gil 신선학길
Sinseong-gil 신성길
Sinseongseodong-gil 신성서동길
Sinjeon 2-gil 신전2길
Sinjeondongchon-gil 신전동촌길
Sinjeonsaeteo-gil 신전새터길
Sinjeonseochon-gil 신전서촌길
Sinjeonjeolgol-gil 신전절골길
Sinjeonkeun-gil 신전큰길
Sinjeonhwangsaegol-gil 신전황새골길
Sinhaksinchang-gil 신학신창길
Yeomsa-gil 염사길
Yongseon-gil 용선길
Yongseonansan-gil 용선안산길
Wonjeongji-gil 원정지길
Wollae-gil 월내길
Wollaean-gil 월내안길
Yuseo-gil 유서길
Yuchi-gil 유치길
Yuheung-gil 유흥길
Yuheungyudong-gil 유흥유동길
Yuheungjungchon-gil 유흥중촌길
Jeodong 1-gil 저동1길
Jeodong-gil 저동길
Jojeongnae-gil 조정래길
Jungnim-gil 죽림길
Jungdae 1-gil 중대1길
Jungdae 2-gil 중대2길
Jungdae-gil 중대길
Jidong-gil 지동길
Cheonhyangnokcha-gil 천향녹차길
Chungnae-gil 축내길
Chilseong-gil 칠성길
Pyeongji-gil 평지길
Hataekchon-gil 하택촌길
Honam Expressway 호남고속도로
Hyodong-gil 효동길
Heukseok-gil 흑석길

Seungju-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Seungju-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Seungju-eup, Suncheon-si, Jeollanam-do Map
