Sangbuk-myeon: 상북면

This page displays Sangbuk-myeon (상북면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Sangbuk-myeon Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Sangbuk-myeon (상북면). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Gyeongsangnam-do (경상남도) Yangsan-si (양산시) Sangbuk-myeon (상북면)
Ulsan (울산광역시) Ulju-gun (울주군) Sangbuk-myeon (상북면)

Sangbuk-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Sangbuk-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Deokhyeonsalti-gil 덕현살티길
Deokhyeonseongni-gil 덕현석리길
Deokhyeonhaengjeong-gil 덕현행정길
Dodong-gil 도동길
Dodongsilli-ro 도동신리로
Deungeogalpeuseu 1-gil 등억알프스1길
Deungeogalpeuseu 2-gil 등억알프스2길
Deungeogalpeuseu 3-gil 등억알프스3길
Deungeogalpeuseu-ro 등억알프스로
Deungeokcheonjeon-ro 등억천전로
Mallangmol-gil 말랑몰길
Myeongdong 1-gil 명동1길
Myeongdong-gil 명동길
Myeongchon 1-gil 명촌1길
Myeongchon-gil 명촌길
Myeongchongilcheon-ro 명촌길천로
Modan 1-gil 못안1길
Modan-gil 못안길
Baenaedaeri-gil 배내대리길
Baenae-ro 배내로
Baenaemudeunggol-gil 배내무등골길
Baenaejuam-gil 배내주암길
Baenaejukjeon-gil 배내죽전길
Bonghwa-ro 봉화로
Bulgeundeok-gil 붉은덕길
Bisim-gil 비심길
Sagwang 1-gil 사광1길
Sagwang-gil 사광길
Sanjeon-gil 산전길
Sanjeonhuri-ro 산전후리로
Sapjae 1-gil 삽재1길
Sapjae 2-gil 삽재2길
Sapjae 3-gil 삽재3길
Sapjae 4-gil 삽재4길
Sapjae-ro 삽재로
Sangbuk-ro 상북로
Saejaedeul-gil 새재들길
Seongnam-ro 석남로
Soyajeong-gil 소야정길
Sohodangni 1-gil 소호당리1길
Sohodangni-gil 소호당리길
Sohodaegok 1-gil 소호대곡1길
Sohodaegok 2-gil 소호대곡2길
Sohodaegok-gil 소호대곡길
Sohodaeri-gil 소호대리길
Sohoryeong-gil 소호령길
Soho-ro 소호로
Sohowari 1-gil 소호와리1길
Sohowari-gil 소호와리길
Songnakgol 1-gil 송락골1길

Sangbuk-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Sangbuk-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Sangbuk-myeon, Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do Map
