Misan-myeon: 미산면

This page displays Misan-myeon (미산면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Misan-myeon Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Misan-myeon (미산면). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Chungcheongnam-do (충청남도) Boryeong-si (보령시) Misan-myeon (미산면)
Gyeonggi-do (경기도) Yeoncheon-gun (연천군) Misan-myeon (미산면)

Misan-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Misan-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Noa-ro 노아로
Madong-ro 마동로
Madong-ro 127beon-gil 마동로127번길
Madong-ro 196beon-gil 마동로196번길
Madong-ro 221beon-gil 마동로221번길
Madong-ro 227beon-gil 마동로227번길
Madong-ro 228beon-gil 마동로228번길
Mayu-ro 마유로
Mayu-ro 126beon-gil 마유로126번길
Mayu-ro 143beon-gil 마유로143번길
Baekdong-ro 백동로
Baekdong-ro 19beon-gil 백동로19번길
Baekdong-ro 49beon-gil 백동로49번길
Samhwa 1-gil 삼화1길
Samhwa 2-gil 삼화2길
Samhwa 3-gil 삼화3길
Sunguijeon-ro 숭의전로
Sunguijeon-ro 170beon-gil 숭의전로170번길
Sunguijeon-ro 222beon-gil 숭의전로222번길
Sunguijeon-ro 227beon-gil 숭의전로227번길
Sunguijeon-ro 237beon-gil 숭의전로237번길
Sunguijeon-ro 405beonga-gil 숭의전로405번가길
Sunguijeon-ro 405beon-gil 숭의전로405번길
Eosam-ro 어삼로
Wangsan-ro 왕산로
Wangsan-ro 20beon-gil 왕산로20번길
Wangsan-ro 27beon-gil 왕산로27번길
Wangsan-ro 28beon-gil 왕산로28번길
Yuno-ro 유노로
Yuno-ro 110beon-gil 유노로110번길
Yuno-ro 124beon-gil 유노로124번길
Yuno-ro 126beon-gil 유노로126번길
Yuno-ro 149beon-gil 유노로149번길
Yuno-ro 149beonna-gil 유노로149번나길
Yuno-ro 193beon-gil 유노로193번길
Yuno-ro 277beon-gil 유노로277번길
Yuno-ro 338beon-gil 유노로338번길
Cheongjeong-ro 청정로
Cheongjeong-ro 1003beon-gil 청정로1003번길
Cheongjeong-ro 1210beon-gil 청정로1210번길
Cheongjeong-ro 1255beon-gil 청정로1255번길
Cheongjeong-ro 1287beon-gil 청정로1287번길
Cheongjeong-ro 1339beon-gil 청정로1339번길
Cheongjeong-ro 1355beon-gil 청정로1355번길
Cheongjeong-ro 1411beon-gil 청정로1411번길
Cheongjeong-ro 1477beon-gil 청정로1477번길
Cheongjeong-ro 1632beon-gil 청정로1632번길
Cheongjeong-ro 1653beon-gil 청정로1653번길
Cheongjeong-ro 1671beon-gil 청정로1671번길
Cheongjeong-ro 1676beon-gil 청정로1676번길

Misan-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Misan-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Misan-myeon, Boryeong-si, Chungcheongnam-do Map
