Gwangjeok-myeon: 광적면

Gwangjeok-myeon (광적면) is located in Yangju-si,Gyeonggi-do. This page displays Gwangjeok-myeon (광적면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Gwangjeok-myeon Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Gyeonggi-do (경기도)
City/County/District Yangju-si (양주시)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Gwangjeok-myeon (광적면)

Gwangjeok-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Gwangjeok-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Buheung-ro 21beon-gil 부흥로21번길
Buheung-ro 230beon-gil 부흥로230번길
Buheung-ro 231beon-gil 부흥로231번길
Buheung-ro 34beon-gil 부흥로34번길
Gwangjeongmyeonsinseoldo-ro 부흥로34번안길
Buheung-ro 397beon-gil 부흥로397번길
Buheung-ro 565beon-gil 부흥로565번길
Buheung-ro 573beon-gil 부흥로573번길
Buheung-ro 597beon-gil 부흥로597번길
Buheung-ro 604beon-gil 부흥로604번길
Buheung-ro 618beon-gil 부흥로618번길
Buheung-ro 842beon-gil 부흥로842번길
Buheung-ro 882beon-gil 부흥로882번길
Buheung-ro 910beon-gil 부흥로910번길
Buheung-ro 925beon-gil 부흥로925번길
Buheung-ro 930beon-gil 부흥로930번길
Buheung-ro 937beon-gil 부흥로937번길
Buheung-ro 956beon-gil 부흥로956번길
Samil-ro 삼일로
Samil-ro 185beon-gil 삼일로185번길
Samil-ro 247beonga-gil 삼일로247번가길
Samil-ro 247beon-gil 삼일로247번길
Samil-ro 29beon-gil 삼일로29번길
Samil-ro 342beon-gil 삼일로342번길
Samil-ro 65beon-gil 삼일로65번길
Soejangi-gil 쇠장이길
Yeongok-ro 124beon-gil 연곡로124번길
Jiseom-ro 지섬로
Jiseom-ro 182beon-gil 지섬로182번길
Jiseom-ro 198beon-gil 지섬로198번길
Jiseom-ro 214beon-gil 지섬로214번길
Hyeonseok-ro 현석로
Hyeonseok-ro 175beon-gil 현석로175번길
Hyeonseok-ro 413beon-gil 현석로413번길
Hyeonseok-ro 495beon-gil 현석로495번길
Hyeonseok-ro 719beon-gil 현석로719번길
Hyeonseok-ro 720beon-gil 현석로720번길
Hyeonseok-ro 733beon-gil 현석로733번길
Hwahap-ro 화합로
Hwahap-ro 130beon-gil 화합로130번길
Hwahap-ro 147beon-gil 화합로147번길
Hwahap-ro 248beon-gil 화합로248번길
Hwahap-ro 430beon-gil 화합로430번길
Hwahap-ro 74beon-gil 화합로74번길
Hwahap-ro 81beon-gil 화합로81번길
Hyuam-ro 휴암로
Hyuam-ro 217beon-gil 휴암로217번길
Hyuam-ro 284beon-gil 휴암로284번길

Gwangjeok-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Gwangjeok-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Gwangjeok-myeon, Yangju-si, Gyeonggi-do Map
