Gunnae-myeon: 군내면

This page displays Gunnae-myeon (군내면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Gunnae-myeon Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Gunnae-myeon (군내면). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Gyeonggi-do (경기도) Paju-si (파주시) Gunnae-myeon (군내면)
Gyeonggi-do (경기도) Pocheon-si (포천시) Gunnae-myeon (군내면)
Jeollanam-do (전라남도) Jindo-gun (진도군) Gunnae-myeon (군내면)

Gunnae-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Gunnae-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Gunnaenonggong-ro 군내농공로
Gunnae-ro 군내로
Gunnaesindong-gil 군내신동길
Geumgol-gil 금골길
Geumseong-gil 금성길
Nari-gil 나리길
Naedongsan-gil 내동산길
Nokjin-gil 녹진길
Daesa-gil 대사길
Daeya-gil 대야길
Deokbyeong-gil 덕병길
Dunjeon-gil 둔전길
Dunjeonan-gil 둔전안길
Dwinnaru-gil 뒷나루길
Mangeum-gil 만금길
Myeongnyangdaecheop-ro 명량대첩로
Mujo-gil 무조길
Byeokpajin-ro 벽파진로
Bunto-gil 분토길
Sangga-gil 상가길
Seobuhaean-ro 서부해안로
Sedeung-gil 세등길
Songsan-gil 송산길
Singi-gil 신기길
Sinheungjeongja-ro 신흥정자로
Annong-gil 안농길
Yeonsan-gil 연산길
Oilsi 1-gil 오일시1길
Oilsi 2-gil 오일시2길
Oedongsan-gil 외동산길
Yongin-gil 용인길
Yongjangsanseong-gil 용장산성길
Wolga-gil 월가길
Wolgang-ro 월강로
Jangeon-gil 장언길
Jaetdeung-gil 잿등길
Jeonggeoreumjae-gil 정거름재길
Jeongjari-gil 정자리길
Jukjeon-gil 죽전길
Jindo-daero 진도대로
Hansa-gil 한사길
Hanui-gil 한의길

Gunnae-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Gunnae-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Gunnae-myeon, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do Map
