Guji-myeon: 구지면

Guji-myeon (구지면) is located in Dalseong-gun,Daegu. This page displays Guji-myeon (구지면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Guji-myeon Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Daegu (대구광역시)
City/County/District Dalseong-gun (달성군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Guji-myeon (구지면)

Guji-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Guji-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Gukgasandanbuk-ro 100-gil 국가산단북로100길
Gukgasandanbuk-ro 11-gil 국가산단북로11길
Gukgasandanbuk-ro 23-gil 국가산단북로23길
Gukgasandanbuk-ro 25-gil 국가산단북로25길
Gukgasandanbuk-ro 31-gil 국가산단북로31길
Gukgasandanbuk-ro 34-gil 국가산단북로34길
Gukgasandanbuk-ro 3-gil 국가산단북로3길
Gukgasandanbuk-ro 46-gil 국가산단북로46길
Gukgasandanbuk-ro 60-gil 국가산단북로60길
Gukgasandanbuk-ro 80-gil 국가산단북로80길
Gukgasandanseo-ro 국가산단서로
Gukgasandanseo-ro 40-gil 국가산단서로40길
Gukgasandanseo-ro 50-gil 국가산단서로50길
Gukgasandanseo-ro 60-gil 국가산단서로60길
Gukgasandanseo-ro 71-gil 국가산단서로71길
Gukgasandanseo-ro 84-gil 국가산단서로84길
Naeri-gil 내리길
Daramjae-gil 다람재길
Dalseong2cha 1-ro 달성2차1로
Dalseong2cha 2-ro 달성2차2로
Dalseong2cha 3-ro 달성2차3로
Dalseong2cha 4-ro 달성2차4로
Dalseong2cha 5-ro 달성2차5로
Dalseong2cha 6-ro 달성2차6로
Dalseong2chadong 1-ro 달성2차동1로
Dalseong2chadong 2-ro 달성2차동2로
Dalseong2chadong 3-ro 달성2차동3로
Dalseong2cha-ro 달성2차로
Dalseong2chaseo-ro 달성2차서로
Dalchang-ro 달창로
Daedongwolpo-ro 대동월포로
Daeri-gil 대리길
Daeam 1-gil 대암1길
Daeam 2-gil 대암2길
Daeam 3-gil 대암3길
Daeam 4-gil 대암4길
Daeamnae-gil 대암내길
Daehammokdan-gil 대합목단길
Dodongseowon-ro 도동서원로
Dodongjeolgol-gil 도동절골길
Biseul-ro 비슬로
Biseul-ro 63-gil 비슬로63길
Biseul-ro 64-gil 비슬로64길
Samgang 5-gil 삼강5길
Samgang 6-gil 삼강6길
Samgang-gil 삼강길
Yehyeon 1-gil 예현1길
Yehyeon 2-gil 예현2길
Yongsanyusan-ro 용산유산로
Yusan-gil 유산길

Guji-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Guji-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Guji-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu Map
