Geoncheon-eup: 건천읍

Geoncheon-eup (건천읍) is located in Gyeongju-si,Gyeongsangbuk-do. This page displays Geoncheon-eup (건천읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Geoncheon-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Gyeongsangbuk-do (경상북도)
City/County/District Gyeongju-si (경주시)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Geoncheon-eup (건천읍)

Geoncheon-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Geoncheon-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Garanggol-gil 가랑골길
Gamagol-gil 가마골길
Gacheok-gil 가척길
Geoncheon 1-gil 건천1길
Geoncheon 2-gil 건천2길
Geoncheon 3-gil 건천3길
Geoncheon 4-gil 건천4길
Geoncheon 5-gil 건천5길
Geoncheon 6-gil 건천6길
Geoncheonsijang 1-gil 건천시장1길
Geoncheonsijang 2-gil 건천시장2길
Geoncheoncheonnam-gil 건천천남길
Geonposaneop-ro 건포산업로
Gyeongbu Expressway 경부고속도로
Gyeongjuyeok-ro 경주역로
Goransilli-gil 고란신리길
Gunmaeul-gil 군마을길
Gunsil-gil 군실길
Geumcheokgobun-gil 금척고분길
Geumcheoksangni-gil 금척상리길
Gilgakdangoji-gil 길각단고지길
Naeseo-ro 내서로
Naeoe-ro 내외로
Danseok-ro 단석로
Danseoksan-gil 단석산길
Daegyeong-ro 대경로
Daegokgalbat-gil 대곡갈밭길
Daegoksail-gil 대곡사일길
Daegogyongmyeong-gil 대곡용명길
Daegokjenae-gil 대곡제내길
Daechubatgangdang-gil 대추밭강당길
Donji-gil 돈지길
Mogil-gil 모길길
Moryanggoran-gil 모량고란길
Moryangbangnae-gil 모량방내길
Moryangsanmak-gil 모량산막길
Moryangseodang-gil 모량서당길
Moryanghari-gil 모량하리길
Mosan-gil 모산길
Mirae-ro 미래로
Milgu 1-gil 밀구1길
Milgu 2-gil 밀구2길
Baksil-gil 박실길
Bangnaegulttuk-gil 방내굴뚝길
Bangnaekeungol-gil 방내큰골길
Baekseok-gil 백석길
Busanseong-gil 부산성길
Saedorang-gil 새도랑길
Seondong-gil 선동길
Songseonjeolgol-gil 송선절골길

Geoncheon-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Geoncheon-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Geoncheon-eup, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do Map
