Dong-eup: 동읍

Dong-eup (동읍) is located in Uichang-gu, Changwon-si,Gyeongsangnam-do. This page displays Dong-eup (동읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Dong-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Gyeongsangnam-do (경상남도)
City/County/District Uichang-gu, Changwon-si (창원시 의창구)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Dong-eup (동읍)

Dong-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Dong-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Museong-gil 91beon-gil 무성길91번길
Mujeom-gil 무점길
Mujeom-gil 88beon-gil 무점길88번길
Baegwol-ro 백월로
Bongganggasul-ro 봉강가술로
Bongganggasul-ro 175beon-gil 봉강가술로175번길
Bongganggasul-ro 191beon-gil 봉강가술로191번길
Bongganggasul-ro 201beon-gil 봉강가술로201번길
Bongganggasul-ro 207beon-gil 봉강가술로207번길
Bongganggasul-ro 237beon-gil 봉강가술로237번길
Seoksan-gil 석산길
Seoksan-gil 15beon-gil 석산길15번길
Seoksan-gil 16beon-gil 석산길16번길
Seoksan-gil 51beon-gil 석산길51번길
Seoksan-gil 61beon-gil 석산길61번길
Sinbang-ro 신방로
Sinbang-ro 39beon-gil 신방로39번길
Sinchonbonpo-ro 신촌본포로
Sinchonbonpo-ro 442beon-gil 신촌본포로442번길
Sinpunggogae-gil 신풍고개길
Yongnam-gil 용남길
Yongnam-gil 10beon-gil 용남길10번길
Yongnam-gil 86beon-gil 용남길86번길
Yongjam-ro 용잠로
Yongjam-ro 35beon-gil 용잠로35번길
Yongjam-ro 41beon-gil 용잠로41번길
Yongjeong-gil 용정길
Yongjeong-gil 32beon-gil 용정길32번길
Yongjeong-gil 46beon-gil 용정길46번길
Uichang-daero 의창대로
Uichang-daero 421beon-gil 의창대로421번길
Uichang-daero 491beon-gil 의창대로491번길
Uichang-daero 626beon-gil 의창대로626번길
Uichang-daero 894beon-gil 의창대로894번길
Uichang-daero 900beon-gil 의창대로900번길
Uichang-daero 915beon-gil 의창대로915번길
Jayeo-ro 자여로
Jayeo-ro 112beon-gil 자여로112번길
Jayeo-ro 115beon-gil 자여로115번길
Jayeo-ro 118beon-gil 자여로118번길
Jayeo-ro 42beon-gil 자여로42번길
Jayeo-ro 60beon-gil 자여로60번길
Jayeo-ro 65beon-gil 자여로65번길
Jayeo-ro 78beon-gil 자여로78번길
Jayeo-ro 93beon-gil 자여로93번길
Jayeo-ro 98beon-gil 자여로98번길
Junam-ro 주남로
Junam-ro 101beon-gil 주남로101번길
Junam-ro 108beon-gil 주남로108번길
Junam-ro 128beon-gil 주남로128번길

Dong-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Dong-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Dong-eup, Uichang-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do Map
