Daejeong-eup: 대정읍

Daejeong-eup (대정읍) is located in Seogwipo-si,Jeju-do. This page displays Daejeong-eup (대정읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Daejeong-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Jeju-do (제주특별자치도)
City/County/District Seogwipo-si (서귀포시)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Daejeong-eup (대정읍)

Daejeong-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Daejeong-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Mara-ro 77beon-gil 마라로77번길
Mureungdowon-ro 무릉도원로
Mureungsajang-ro 무릉사장로
Mureungsajang-ro 23beon-gil 무릉사장로23번길
Mureungsajang-ro 45beon-gil 무릉사장로45번길
Mureungsongdang-ro 무릉송당로
Mureungsongdang-ro 5beon-gil 무릉송당로5번길
Mureunginhyang-ro 무릉인향로
Mureunginhyang-ro 14beon-gil 무릉인향로14번길
Mureunginhyang-ro 53beon-gil 무릉인향로53번길
Mureungjeonji-ro 무릉전지로
Mureungjeonji-ro 34beon-gil 무릉전지로34번길
Mureungjeonji-ro 35beon-gil 무릉전지로35번길
Mureungjungang-ro 무릉중앙로
Mureungjungang-ro 11beon-gil 무릉중앙로11번길
Mureungjungang-ro 182beon-gil 무릉중앙로182번길
Mureungjungang-ro 21beon-gil 무릉중앙로21번길
Mureungjungang-ro 24beon-gil 무릉중앙로24번길
Mureungjungang-ro 41beon-gil 무릉중앙로41번길
Muyeong-ro 무영로
Muyeong-ro 228beon-gil 무영로228번길
Muyeong-ro 254beon-gil 무영로254번길
Muyeong-ro 40beon-gil 무영로40번길
Banditburi-ro 반딧불이로
Boseonggueok-ro 보성구억로
Boseonggueok-ro 126beon-gil 보성구억로126번길
Boseongsang-ro 보성상로
Boseongsang-ro 43beon-gil 보성상로43번길
Boseongha-ro 보성하로
Boseongha-ro 19beon-gil 보성하로19번길
Bijanang-ro 비자낭로
Bijanang-ro 22beon-gil 비자낭로22번길
Bijanang-ro 23beon-gil 비자낭로23번길
Bijanang-ro 28beon-gil 비자낭로28번길
Bihaengjang-ro 비행장로
Bihaengjang-ro 21beon-gil 비행장로21번길
Bihaengjang-ro 27beon-gil 비행장로27번길
Bihaengjang-ro 35beon-gil 비행장로35번길
Bihaengjang-ro 55beon-gil 비행장로55번길
Sagyebuk-ro 사계북로
Sanbang-ro 산방로
Samtong-ro 삼통로
Samtong-ro 19beon-gil 삼통로19번길
Sangmodaeseo-ro 상모대서로
Sangmodaeseo-ro 20beon-gil 상모대서로20번길
Sangmodaeseo-ro 44beon-gil 상모대서로44번길
Sangmodaeseo-ro 66beon-gil 상모대서로66번길
Sangmo-ro 상모로
Sangmo-ro 191beon-gil 상모로191번길
Sangmo-ro 208beon-gil 상모로208번길

Daejeong-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Daejeong-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Daejeong-eup, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do Map
