Daejeo 2(i)-dong: 대저2동

Daejeo 2(i)-dong (대저2동) is located in Gangseo-gu,Busan. This page displays Daejeo 2(i)-dong (대저2동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Daejeo 2(i)-dong Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Busan (부산광역시)
City/County/District Gangseo-gu (강서구)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Daejeo 2(i)-dong (대저2동)

Daejeo 2(i)-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Daejeo 2(i)-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Gulla 2-gil 군라2길
Geumhosunseo-gil 금호순서길
Geumhosunseo-gil 281beon-gil 금호순서길281번길
Geumhosunseo-gil 282beonga-gil 금호순서길282번가길
Geumhosunseo-gil 282beon-gil 금호순서길282번길
Geumhosunseo-gil 282beonna-gil 금호순서길282번나길
Geumhosunseo-gil 7beon-gil 금호순서길7번길
Geumhosunseo-gil 89beonga-gil 금호순서길89번가길
Geumhosunseo-gil 89beon-gil 금호순서길89번길
Namhae 2jiseon Expressway 남해2지선고속도로
Daejeodongseo-ro 대저동서로
Daejeodongseo-ro 211beon-gil 대저동서로211번길
Daejeodongseo-ro 212beon-gil 대저동서로212번길
Daejeodongseo-ro 222beon-gil 대저동서로222번길
Daejeodongseo-ro 229beonga-gil 대저동서로229번가길
Daejeodongseo-ro 229beon-gil 대저동서로229번길
Daejeodongseo-ro 249beon-gil 대저동서로249번길
Daejeodeul-gil 대저들길
Dodobolli-gil 도도본리길
Maekdogangbyeon-gil 맥도강변길
Maekdogangbyeon-gil 171beon-gil 맥도강변길171번길
Maekdogangbyeon-gil 835beon-gil 맥도강변길835번길
Maekdogangbyeon-gil 90beon-gil 맥도강변길90번길
Maekdo-gil 맥도길
Maekdo-gil 117beon-gil 맥도길117번길
Maekdo-gil 205beon-gil 맥도길205번길
Maekdo-gil 243beon-gil 맥도길243번길
Maekdo-gil 265beon-gil 맥도길265번길
Maekdo-gil 319beon-gil 맥도길319번길
Maekdo-gil 355beon-gil 맥도길355번길
Maekdo-gil 376beon-gil 맥도길376번길
Maekdo-gil 377beon-gil 맥도길377번길
Maekdo-gil 415beon-gil 맥도길415번길
Maekdo-gil 453beon-gil 맥도길453번길
Maekdo-gil 473beon-gil 맥도길473번길
Maekdo-gil 474beon-gil 맥도길474번길
Maekdo-gil 509beon-gil 맥도길509번길
Maekdo-gil 545beon-gil 맥도길545번길
Maekdo-gil 585beon-gil 맥도길585번길
Maekdo-gil 81beon-gil 맥도길81번길
Maekdo-gil 83beon-gil 맥도길83번길
Sangnapcheong-gil 상납청길
Seolman-gil 설만길
Seolmansinpyeong-gil 설만신평길
Songdong-gil 송동길
Sinnojeon-ro 신노전로
Ulman-ro 울만로
Ulman-ro 25beon-gil 울만로25번길
Ulman-ro 322beon-gil 울만로322번길
Yutongdanji 1-ro 유통단지1로

Daejeo 2(i)-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Daejeo 2(i)-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Daejeo 2(i)-dong, Gangseo-gu, Busan Map
