Jeju-si: 제주시

This page is about Jeju-si, South Korea. The page lists the sub-administrative divisions of Jeju-si, as well as the postcode. You can also view more information through the interactive map.

Jeju-si Basic Information

Jeju-si Region List

What are the subdivisions in Jeju-si? Here is the list of subdivision of Jeju-si. You can click the link to get more information.

Town/Village/Neighborhood En Town/Village/Neighborhood Ko
Nohyeong-dong 노형동
Aewol-eup 애월읍
Yeon-dong 연동
Haean-dong 해안동
Ara 1(il)-dong 아라일동
Yeongpyeong-dong 영평동
Yonggang-dong 용강동
Jocheon-eup 조천읍
Bonggae-dong 봉개동
Ara 2(i)-dong 아라이동
Odeung-dong 오등동
Ora 2(i)-dong 오라이동
Udo-myeon 우도면
Wolpyeong-dong 월평동
Geonip-dong 건입동
Gujwa-eup 구좌읍
Donam-dong 도남동
Doryeon 1(il)-dong 도련일동
Samdo 2(i)-dong 삼도이동
Samdo 1(il)-dong 삼도일동
Samyang 3(sam)-dong 삼양삼동
Oedo 1(il)-dong 외도일동
Yongdam 1(il)-dong 용담일동
Ido 2(i)-dong 이도이동
Iho 2(i)-dong 이호이동
Iho 1(il)-dong 이호일동
Ildo 1(il)-dong 일도일동
Hangyeong-myeon 한경면
Hallim-eup 한림읍
Hwabuk 2(i)-dong 화북이동
Hwabuk 1(il)-dong 화북일동
Hoecheon-dong 회천동
Dopyeong-dong 도평동
Ildo 2(i)-dong 일도이동
Chuja-myeon 추자면
Naedo-dong 내도동
Dodu 2(i)-dong 도두이동
Dodu 1(il)-dong 도두일동
Samyang 1(il)-dong 삼양일동
Ora 3(sam)-dong 오라삼동
Oedo 2(i)-dong 외도이동
Yongdam 2(i)-dong 용담이동
Ido 1(il)-dong 이도일동
Yongdam 3(sam)-dong 용담삼동
Samyang 2(i)-dong 삼양이동
Ora 1(il)-dong 오라일동
Doryeon 2(i)-dong 도련이동

Jeju-si Road List

Here list all the road name in Jeju-si. You can check the list page by page, or use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Aran 6-gil 아란6길
Aran 15-gil 아란15길
Aran 4-gil 아란4길
Aran 3-gil 아란3길
Aran 9-gil 아란9길
Aran 5-gil 아란5길
Aran 1-gil 아란1길
Aran 14-gil 아란14길
Aran 10-gil 아란10길
Aran 13-gil 아란13길

Jeju-si Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the postal code in Jeju-si. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Jeju-si Map
