Address: 72-23, Waryong-ro 4-gil, Yeonggwang-eup, Yeonggwang-gun, Jeollanam-do

The road address of the location is 72-23, Waryong-ro 4-gil, Yeonggwang-eup, Yeonggwang-gun, Jeollanam-do, you can find the Land-lot address of the location, the postal code and other other information about the address.

Address Information

The address system in Korea has been updated and the new road address and the old land-lot address are listed below. It is recommended to use the new road address for daily life, mailing, etc. And you can use the old land-lot address to assist in addressing.

  • Road Address:


    72-23, Waryong-ro 4-gil, Yeonggwang-eup, Yeonggwang-gun, Jeollanam-do


    전라남도 영광군 영광읍 와룡로4길 72-23

  • Land-Lot Address:


    466-1, Yangpyeong-ri, Yeonggwang-eup, Yeonggwang-gun, Jeollanam-do


    전라남도 영광군 영광읍 양평리 466-1

Basic Information

Envelope Example

72-23, Waryong-ro 4-gil, Yeonggwang-eup, Yeonggwang-gun, Jeollanam-do.png

